The Greatest Gift
an anthem of faith
for congregations to learn and sing

It is not often that a new congregational song arises and sweeps through churches across multiple states in a short period of time. That is the level of excitement we are seeing around the new song, “The Greatest Gift.” This song is an anthem that congregations everywhere can learn and sing.
The story behind this musical masterpiece is nothing short of a miracle itself. The song was inspired by a young man, Bradley Clary, in the San Diego, CA area and brought to life with his music teacher and mentor, Corey Ferrugia. The song then traveled to Tucson, AZ where three different church congregations gathered around to offer their songwriting, vocal, and instrumentation skills. This community collaboration within the broader Christian Church has allowed this heartfelt song to unite believers before it has even been released. Each line of the song is scripturally based with the intent to reach listeners on their journey of experiencing God’s love as the sole need for their salvation.
“The Greatest Gift” presentation for the congregation is about 12 minutes and includes the song presentation and the story of the song. We would like to meet with the worship arts team at the rehearsal prior to Sunday to teach the song. Then we would want to present this to the congregation either as the last song in the set before the sermon or as a special presentation after the worship song set before the sermon.
We are asking that this song be presented with the option for the congregation to bless the song campaign through donations so it can be presented at more churches.
Then, after the service closes we would like to meet with the creative arts team and invite anyone in the church that is worship arts curious to join for a music ministry master class with the goal to help inspire and expand the worship team. If the church provided a light lunch this would be ideal so that members could stay and be invested with the excitement being built with the song.
If you would like this dynamic song to come to your church, please contact us at
Support The Greatest Gift campaign