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Hope Is Calling

An Anthem Of Hope

Inspiring Hope for Humanity

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a mission to inspire & spread hope

"Hope is Calling"

a powerful anthem created collaboratively to inspire hope precisely when it is needed the most.

"Hope is Calling"

a music-driven initiative with the intention to uplift listeners and encourage them to share the message of hope with others.

"Hope is Calling"

is not just a song; it's a movement with a purpose.

The lyrics & melodies were carefully crafted to spread a message of hope and resilience.

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Our Vision


Spread a Universal Message of Hope
through Positive Multimedia, providing
Moments of Reflection in people's busy lives,


We are Here to Remind you,
"You Are Not Alone."
HOPE is Calling
We are Here for You.


Hope is Calling (preview)7sound & Co
00:00 / 01:55
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Resources for those in need of Hope

Hope is a Feeling

Hope is Available to All

Hope is an Action & Idea

Hope is a Breath of Fresh Air

Hope is a Shifted Perspective

Hope is a Shared Experience

Hope is Raw Resilience

Hope is Here, Now

We are not alone in our battles, but standing shoulder to shoulder

with fellow human beings wanting a better and more beautiful world.

In a world with so many people fighting & discontent daily,

we all need a call and permission for hope.

Magic - Adopt


Become a Healer

Donate Time, Finances, Resources or Energy to the Cause & Help for those in Need



Intentional Arts to Inspire Hope in Humanity

Providing a Universal Message of Hope through Positive Multimedia to Uplift Our Nations & Unite Together as One.


A Collective of Creatives in Collaboration for One Mission



Stay Tuned for Updates & Upcoming Events

Let's Bring Hope Back to Humanity!

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